Thursday, May 3, 2012

Happy Feet

Happy Feet 2 (the videogame) has been out for a while now. It was the first project I ever tackled completely solo (from a sound design point of view of course).  For a budget game in the openly reviled sector of kid's licensed games, it has reviewed decently, although considering the last time I checked most of those reviews seemed to be in foreign languages it's hard to tell for sure.

I had planned to make a big blog post about the challenges involved with mixing a rhythm game with an adventure game, or the rationale behind some of the design decisions, some of the localisation challenges, or even a post-mortem on all the things I'd wished I'd done differently with fresh ears and a little bit more distance and wisdom (and more than a few facepalming moments). Now that I've reached this point, however, this picture is all that comes to mind:

I hope I never have to use maths to sync sounds to an animation ever again.